Makino's MAG4 expands the MAG Series of 5-Axis horizontal machining centers purpose built for monolithic aluminum aerostructure components.
This machine adds more capability with the Y axis stroke increasing to 2,200mm (X4000 Y2,200 Z800) and the pallet size increasing to 3,500 x 2,000mm.
At the heart of the MAG4 is the powerful 33,000 RPM 130kW spindle. This is the same spindle utilized across the MAG family and provides peak roughing metal removal capabilities of up to 10 liters per minute.
The compact A/C rotary axis has a very short 215mm pivot distance allowing full 5-axis access to parts as large as 3,300 x 1,500mm. The MAG4 includes a large capacity tool magazine and pallet changer with horizontal work setting stations supporting high spindle utilization.
VIDEO: Taking 5-Axis Aerostructure Machining to New Levels: Introducing the Makino Mag4 5-Axis HMC
The MAG4 integrates spindle speed and power with a machine platform that provides rapid precision-contouring capability while maximizing the percentage of in-cut spindle time. The compact spindle and short pivot point provided ideal five-face workpiece accessibility to minimize setups and process variation.
The MAG4 can also be integrated with an automatic pallet transfer and storage system in Makino's highly flexible MMC2 system, enabling extended periods of unattended operation.
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