Laser Tracker Provides 3D Measurement for Large Part Assembly; Saves an Hour a Day

FARO's Vantage Max Laser Trackers provide extensive, large-volume 3D measurement of up to 80 meters, which helps streamline processes and reduce inspection cycle times while ensuring confidence in the results.

[All photos courtesy FARO]



The laser trackers maximize 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF) measurement capabilities through the optional 6Probe, enabling precise measurement of hidden areas and small features.

It offers higher accuracy, allowing users to probe more points beyond the line of sight without requiring tooling changes. Users can also use an SMR only for alignment points and ultra-precision measurements. As a result, productivity improves by 20% compared to lower-accuracy probes.

The tracker utilizes 6DoF to accurately measure concealed areas and small features. The 6Probe is a 6DoF solution designed to meet the speed and accuracy requirements of challenging industrial applications. It is a kinematic, self-identifying styli that allow users to quickly change probing tips and measure without recalibration. Additionally, it can measure hidden areas outside of the tracker's line of sight with wide acceptance angles.

The Vantage Max laser tracker system is well-suited for large-scale production, quality control improvement, and efficient engineering of large parts and assemblies. Additionally, it offers time savings of up to 60 minutes per workday, making it a potentially valuable option for companies focused on productivity.

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